Sunday, July 27, 2008

Recovery ride a day late

After riding Friday morning and racing Friday night, I figured a moderate paced Brands ride on Saturday morning would be just the ticket for a recovery. NOT!! Most of the usual group was there but once we hit the LIE service road things broke up on the hills. We kept a high pace on the 16 miles of rollers and finally called a truce back at the intersection with Round Swamp Rd., where we waited to get our group back together. We kept an easier pace back to the LBS. A great ride! As usual, it seems to take about 10 miles of riding before the legs get warmed up and start feeling good after a hard ride the day before (or 12 hours before, in this case).

Today, Sunday, I got up early to do a solo ride but as I was having my traditional oatmeal and coffee pre-ride breakfast, lightning, thunder and rain moved in. I took care of some items around the house for an hour or so until it cleared, then went out for 40 miles on the LIE again. Legs really sore today! An hour after I got back home, the thunderstorms started up again and have been going most of the day. So, good timing to get the ride in.

Heading out of state next week for a vacation with the family. Bringing the bike but most likely will just do one or two short, easy rides.

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